Column mappings

Column mapping serves essential purpose of Import Manager recognizing your columns in your spreadsheet file

Create a column mapping

You need to create a column mapping for every column in your spreadsheet that you would like to be imported. Column mappings can be created either by column names (in the first row of your spreadsheet document) or by column numbers.

Navigate to Column Mappings page of your template settings and scroll to Add new record section.

Column source is either the name of column or column number (starting with 0).

Column destination is the field that this column represents in your table.

SKUProduct namePicture







In this sample table, SKU has column number 0, Product name has column number 1, and Picture has column number 2.

In your table you can use TRUE or FALSE for boolean values. Also, you can use 1 or 0, true or false, t or f, True or False.

Some column destinations support input of multiple values using | (vertical bar) symbol. Check page for your import target to see if these destinations support this input method.

Last updated